Date: Wed, 7 Sep 1995 01:10:40 -0400 (EDT)
From: Doctor Bob 
Subject: Internet Power Tools - Part II

                       TOURBUS - 07 Sep 1995

    |____|____|____|____|____|____|____|____|____|____/    |  \
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   /  --T-H-E---I-N-T-E-R-N-E-T---T-O-U-R-B-U-S-->  ///////|    |
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      \___/ \___/  "Why Surf When U Can Ride The Bus?"  \___/

        Today's Stop: Power Tools For The Internet - Part II

OK, so the double posting problem isn't quite licked.  The tech support
OK, so the double posting problem isn't quite licked.  The tech support
guy thinks *maybe* this time we'll nail it.  Hmmm, I wonder if you can
save 60% - 160% on your phone bill by getting TWO TOURBUS postings?  I
guess you'll have to ask Sam of Hasada Communications (who hails from
Nairobi, Kenya!) about that one.  :-)

       SAVE 30% - 80% on your International Telephone/Fax Calls !!!
          No Experience, No Equipment Necessary, No Setup Fees.

      Does your company make a large number of International calls??
        This service will give you great savings on your business.
   You have nothing to lose by registering, but a lot to gain for your
     Company or Organisation. One simple application form and you get
        setup in just a fews days.  For complete details,
    Fax: 254-2-718208    - Or -   E-Mail:

Today we're continuing our Power Tools series.  I'm giving Patrick the
day off, but wouldn't it be cool if he got 15,000 Happy Birthday messages
in his mailbox?  Maybe we could set a record or something.  (Hee hee,
don't tell him I put you up to this...)

People Finders

There are several good people looker-uppers available on the Net that
can help you find someone's e-mail address, and sometimes other personal
information too.

Let's look first at NETFIND, which searches a variety of white pages
information sources.  Telnet to, login as "netfind" and
then follow the instructions to perform a search.  Generally you provide
a lastname and one or more keywords describing the person's location
(company, organization, city, country, etc.)

NETFIND can also help you find domain names for geographical locations.
Try a search of "xxx guam" and you'll see that the Internet extends
even to the far reaches of the Pacific.

WHOIS is another database operated by InterNIC, but it contains mostly
network administrator types and a few "notable" Net personalities.  You
can enter "whois rickard" at your shell prompt (telnet to
first if no local whois) and you'll find that the editor of Boardwatch
Magazine falls into one of the aforementioned categories.  (see Figure 5)
A further query on the parenthetical "JR465" reveals even more shocking

|  Rickard, Jack (JR465)  jack.rickard@BOARDWATCH.COM          |
|    (303) 973-6038
|    Boardwatch Magazine                                       |
|    8500 West Bowles Ave.                                     |
|    Littleton, CO 80123                                       |
--------------------------------------------------+ The FOUR11 ONLINE USER DIRECTORY is another Internet white pages service which can be used to look for someone's e-mail address or personal Web page. All Internet users are provided a free listing and access to the Four11 directory, which purports to hold data on over 1,000,000 users. Check it out on the Web at or send e-mail to And let's not overlook the handy USENET-ADDRESSES DATABASE at MIT which keeps tabs on everyone who has posted a message on Usenet. Send e-mail to "" and include this command ONLY in the BODY: send usenet-addresses/ Specify as much information as you can about the person (lastname, firstname, userid, site, etc.) to limit the amount of information that is returned to you. Here's a sample query to find the address of someone you think may be at Harvard University: send usenet-addresses/Jane Doe Harvard Web Searchers ------------- There's a lot of great stuff out on the Web, but how do you find it? Well, just like Archie and Veronica help you search FTP and gopher sites, there are several search engines that have been developed to search for information on the Web. Here is the Doctor's prescription for which ones to use and which to pass on. WEBCRAWLER is the brainchild of Brian Pinkerton at the University of Washington. This is a superfast search engine that always seems to be reachable and has a fairly large database that can find frogs, flowers and many other items of interest. Webcrawler can be found at: LYCOS is another excellent web searcher, hosted at Carnegie Mellon University. Lycos boasts over 5 million entries in it's database and over 10 million answered queries. The fact that it's so big and so well-known often makes it hard to reach, though. Try your luck at: WORLD-WIDE WEB WORM was voted "Best Navigational Tool" in the "Best of the Web '94" contest. But it's not clear if the database has not been updated since September 1994, which makes it of questionable value given the explosive growth of the WWW since then. Even so, it's worth a look because it offers several pages of hints to help with various types of searches. Hop over to: CUSI (Configurable Unified Search Engine) is a configurable search interface for many searchable WWW resources. It allows you to quickly check related resources, without having to navigate and retype the keywords. Internet search tools and which are best for specific tasks. Net Catalogs ------------ Not sure what you want? Here are four topical catalogs of "good stuff" that you can search. Wax up the board and hit the surf at: - Yahoo - EInet Galaxy - Whole Internet Catalog - CUI W3 Catalog LISTSERV Tools -------------- Looking for a mailing list? Send e-mail to with LIST GLOBAL /whatever in the BODY and you'll get a report on lists that match your keyword. You can also find "lists of lists" in the following places: Usenet: news.lists "Publicly_Accessible_Mailing_Lists" (14 parts) FTP: /pub/usenet/news.answers/mail/mailing-lists Did you know that many mailing lists have searchable archives? A very helpful document which details the commands used to subscribe, unsubscribe and search mailing list archives tells all. Send the command "GET MAILSER CMD NETTRAIN F=MAIL" in the BODY of a note to, and you'll receive the file by e-mail. Usenet Necessities ------------------ A new service on the Web makes it possible to search Usenet newsgroups for postings that contain keywords of interest to you. To search the last few months of Usenet drivel, zip on over to: There's another service at Stanford University that allows you to "subscribe" and receive a daily list of newsgroup postings that match your search criteria. This used to work much better than it does now. I've found that it misses some of the posts I am looking for lately, and only delivers the hits a few times a week instead of daily - undoubtedly another victim of enormous popularity. Send mail to with HELP in the body for full details. If you're willing to pay for the privilege of searching several months' worth of Usenet postings, then INFOSEEK ( is the place to go. More Cool Databases & Archives ------------------------------ On the Web... MIDnet - 800# Info - Stock Quotes - TV Listings - Thomas Legislative Server - Via Gopher... The Gopher Jewels Project Gopher to and follow the path: Other_Gophers_and_Information_Resources / Gophers_by_Subject / Gopher_Jewels Clearinghouse of Subject-Oriented Internet Resource Guides Gopher to and select "inetdirs" (Or via WWW at Fee-based Databases INFOSEEK: DIALOG: telnet (1-800-3DIALOG) LEXIS: telnet (1-800-227-4908) Weep No More... --------------- Now you're prepared to find almost anything in cyberspace - that is if you've got a decent Internet connection offering telnet, gopher and WWW access. But even if you're stuck with a simple e-mail account, there's good news. You can access almost all of the resources and search tools in this series by e-mail! "Accessing The Internet By E-Mail", my guide to offline Internet access, is a free document that reveals all. To get the latest edition, send e-mail To: Enter only this line in the BODY of the note: send usenet/news.answers/internet-services/access-via-email Or if you like, access it directly via FTP at in the file: pub/usenet/news.answers/internet-services/access-via-email ************************************************************************* :) :( ;) ---EMugs for Internet Junkies--- :) :( ;) Backroom Enterprises Smile, Frown, Wink or your own favorite icon - Plain or Personalized! EMugs: $6.00 (4 for $20.00) Personalized: $9.00 (4 for $27.00) + S&H How about an EButton? Choose from 12 designs or submit your own. EButtons: $1.75 (3 for $4.75) + S&H If I use your mug/button idea I'll pay you royalties. Email to: or visit for details. ************************************************************************* ====================================================================== SUBSCRIBE : Send SUBSCRIBE TOURBUS to LISTSERV@LISTSERV.AOL.COM unSUBSCRIBE: Send UNSUBSCRIBE TOURBUS to LISTSERV@LISTSERV.AOL.COM Web Site : (stop in for back issues and the logo contest) Advertising: E-mail w/ Subject: SEND TBRATES ====================================================================== TOURBUS - (c) Copyright 1995, Patrick Crispen and Bob Rankin All rights reserved. Redistribution is allowed only with permission.
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